Competition Team
At LIMA TKD, you will not be asked to take part in any competition. That’s your decision. But, if you decide you do want to compete, you will be joining “Competition Classes” and the training will become a lot more demanding than regular classes. Competing is one way to evaluate your developing skills as a martial artist, by facing an opponent of similar ability, age and weight. It is also good motivation to improve your skills. Meeting up with another competitor in front of a large crowd of spectators is not only a great thrill, it gives you the opportunity to push the boundaries of your potential. And competition is an unforgettable experience. It’s like summing up your whole life as a martial artist in those few minutes in the ring. When you win, your pride and confidence increase. When you lose, you learn how to analyze your strengths and weakness, so that you’ll do better the next time. Competition isn’t really about winning or losing, it’s about pushing you, about learning and striving to become better. If you do this, then you’re already a success.
LIMA TKD competition teams are well rounded in tournament circles. We have collected several hundreds of gold medals in Local and State competitions since the middle 90s. Our Junior, Adult and Senior teams represented the state of California numerous times in the US National Competitions, the US Team Trials and internationally. We are proud to have formed more than a hundred National Champions in Sparring and Forms for the past two decades.
The competition season is for the most part in the summer. In addition to our regular sparring classes, we offer specialized competition training to help prepare you for the tournament experience. If you’re serious about joining one of our teams, a lot of hard, intense training will be waiting for you, but it will definitely be worth the effort.